
Core App

Google KeepKeep

Capture, edit, share, and collaborate on your notes on any device, anywhere.


Capture ideas with your voice, add images to notes, check tasks off your to-do list, and much more.

With Google Keep, you can:

  • Create, share, and collaborate with people on notes and lists
  • Add notes with your voice or images
  • Search and share your notes with others
  • Update your notes or insert new ones using Docs
  • Synchronize across all your devices, so your notes and lists go with you, wherever you are
  • Set reminders

Keep on your mobile device

Student consent?

Before using this app to share student information, you may need to obtain your students’ consent as required by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). See FERPA Forms.

Support links



Please give us your suggestions for Google Workspace @ NC State.