Google Workspace Storage Project

Google’s discontinued unlimited storage for its higher education clients. NC State University continues to work toward reducing its storage allotment to comply with Google’s policy change. This required employee and student quotas to be placed on all accounts for Drive, Gmail, and shared drives.

Effective April 2024, 2.4 Petabytes will be funded centrally by the University.  This still falls below the University’s current consumption, so efforts to reduce storage must continue.

Where Do I Start?

  1. Check your current Google storage
  2. Check your Google quota

If you fall under the quota for your classification (employee, student, etc.), then no additional action is required.

If you are currently above the quota for your classification, you initially received a temporary exception and now need to begin to remove or move content prior to the fall of 2024.

Ways to Reduce Your Storage 2024 Reduction Timelines
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Can I Buy More?

At this time, Google does not offer the option for individuals or college units and departments to purchase additional storage. The Google Service Team is working to address this challenge, but there are no immediate solutions for anyone to obtain more storage capacity beyond the current allotment.