Google Storage Reduction Timelines

2024 Reduction Timelines

July, 2024

  • 60 day warning to Local IT staff about deletion of unattended and unmanaged shared drives
  • Removal of 100 TB employee exceptions; step down to 10 TB exception
  • 60 day warning to employees with exceptions greater than 10 TB

August, 2024

  • 30 day warning to Local IT staff about deletion of unattended and unmanaged shared drives
  • 30 day warning to employees with exceptions greater than 10 TB

September, 2024

November, 2024

  • Google enforces NC State’s quota


  • View more reduction events in the SCHEDULED drop down below:

July, 2024
-60 day reminder to employees with exceptions greater than 10 TB

August, 2024
-30 day reminder to Local IT staff about deletion of unattended and unmanaged shared drives
-30 day reminder to employees with exceptions greater than 10 TB

September, 2024
-All graduate student exceptions removed; all graduate student quotas at 15 GB
-Deletion of unattended shared drives; Unmanaged shared drives
-Final reminder about deletion of former employee (VFE)/alumni/withdrawn student files (pre-May 2022)
-Removal of 10 TB employee exceptions; step down to 1 TB exception

November, 2024
-Google enforces NC State’s quota

July, 2024
-60 day reminder to Local IT staff about deletion of unattended and unmanaged shared drives
-Removal of 100 TB employee exceptions; step down to 10 TB exception
-60 day reminder to employees with exceptions greater than 10 TB
-Removal of 100 TB employee exceptions; step down to 10 TB exception
June, 2024
-30 day reminder to employees with exceptions greater than 100 TB
-All undergraduate student exceptions removed; all undergraduate quotas at 15 GB
-All graduate student (with temporary) exceptions lowered to 100 GB
-Second reminder about deletion of former employees (VFE)/alumni/withdrawn student files (pre-May 2022)

May, 2024
-60 day reminder to employees with exceptions greater than 100 TB
-Display labels for files of former (pre-May 2022) employees (VFE)/alumni/withdrawn students marked for deletion in September

April 22, 2024
-Communication to employees with temporary exceptions to reduce storage.
-Those with exceptions above 100 TB will be reduced to 10 TB on July 8, 2024
-Those with exceptions above 10 TB will be reduced to 1 TB on September 1, 2024

March, 2024
-Former employees (VFE)/alumni/withdraw files prior to 2022 deleted

November, 2023
-Delete unclaimed, unattended Shared Drives

August, 2023
-Quotas applied for all employees and students

Storage Project Timeline and Milestones

2023 September through December Oct:
Sept: Begin working with selected departments, colleges or units to understand what types of data are in their Google accounts.
Sept: Continue to offer workshops, improve and enhance storage KB’s and other documentation for campus.
Sept: Provide ongoing updates via OIT News.
2023 June through August August: Storage quotas announced to campus.
July: Presented revised, final recommendations to the CITD.
July: Workshop scheduled on IT Reporting Tool (slides from presentation)
July: Released [My] Drive inventory tool (Beta/Test version. Must have the link. Not searchable from Google Marketplace) & Labeling Project for “to be deleted” files to CITD forum for testing.
June: Meeting with CITD to present recommendations and receive feedback.
June: New student orientation: Quotas announced to new students 15GB.
June: Update provided to campus in OIT News.
June: Storage Finder released for general availability.
2023 March through June April: Task Force released its report and recommendations on Google’s changes to “unlimited storage”. CITD presentation by Dr. Hoit

  • Review Storage Working Group’s Dec. 16, 2022 report.
  • Identify any gaps.
  • Determine the best path forward for campus storage options.

April: Implementation Steering Team formed to address recommendations from Task Force; team meeting bi-weekly.
April: IT Reporting Tool enhanced to provide IT staff with sorting by 2, 4 or 6 digit OUC and exports to a CSV file.

2023 January through March GST continues to pull together data on our environment as we prepare for the Strategic Task Force report

  • Review options for end users to more easily identify these files.
  • Labeling Pilot project starts in May; feedback is due in mid-June.

Review management tools for Shared Drives & current storage usage.

Continue to improve reporting assets in IT Reporting Tool (formerly Google Reporting Tool)

Added ability to search by 2, 4 or 6 digit OUC and export to a CSV file.